1999. Saito Sensei surveys his work during the morning jo practice.
Photo: Michele Marolla (Italy)
March 31, 1928 – May 12, 2002
1999. Saito Sensei surveys his work during the morning jo practice.
Photo: Michele Marolla (Italy)
1999. Saito Sensei at work in his extensive garden. Gardening and aikido are a perfect combination.
Photo: Joran Fagerlund
1998. The Westlake Village Aikido crew in Denver, Colorado, at Gaku Homma’s Nippon-kan dojo.
Standing – Christopher S. Field, Chris Powell, Franklin Wise, Allen Twarowski, Scott McGinnis, and their Sensei, David Alexander.
Seated – Shigeru Kawabe and Morihiro Saito Sensei, September 1998.
Photo: David Alexander
1998. Mr. and Mrs. Saito visit Nikko, a favorite spot an hour drive away from Iwama.
Photo: Aviv Goldsmith
1998. Cutting his birthday cake in style
Photo: Jean Marc Serio
November 1997. The first uchi-deshi from Russia with Saito Sensei in Iwama dojo, Ibaraki.
From left to right: Saito Sensei, Oleg Yakimov, Sergey Botov.
Today: Oleg Yakimov representative ‘Takemusu Aikido Russia, 6 Dan, shihan Aikikai’
Botov Sergey representative ‘Iwama Shin Shin Aiki Shurenkai by Hitohito Saito in Russia; 6 Dan, shihan.’
Photo: Pavel
1997. Saito Sensei in Denver, Colorado
Photo: Stan Pranin
1996. Fuglsoe, Denmark. In action with the 5th kumijo. Uke: Shibata Ichiro
Photo: Mats Alexandersso, Stockholms Aikido Club, Stockholm, Sweden
1995. Saito Sensei’s delivery service. Ever the gracious host, he is driving another visiting sensei and everyone’s luggage to the Iwama train station.
Photo: Aviv Goldsmith
1994. Saito Sensei applying the “Ai-Ki” brand to new bokken.
Photo: Aviv Goldsmith