1973. Saito Sensei throws Umezawa-san. Sugawara-san watches from the left.
Photo: Mary Bartlett, then known as Mary McDonald. She was in the first group of gaijin (international visitors).
March 31, 1928 – May 12, 2002
1973. Saito Sensei throws Umezawa-san. Sugawara-san watches from the left.
Photo: Mary Bartlett, then known as Mary McDonald. She was in the first group of gaijin (international visitors).
1973. The first group of gaijin to train in Iwama
In front: Bruce Klickstein, Ulf Evanås(as a white belt), Mirko Takac, David Alexander, Morihiro Saito Sensei, and Bill Witt
In back: Lars Anderson, Sam Bertz, Cheryl Martinez, Hans Goto (as a white belt), Darrell Bluhm, Kathy Bates, and Mary Barlett née McDonald
Photo: David Alexander
1973. Iwama. “Kazunari”. Relaxing after the monthly visit of Honbu Aikikai for the “juyoka matsuri”, or “Celebration of the 14th of the month”. Mrs. Saito (okusan) shows how to keep baby Kazunari happy with “beer for tots”. Kazunari later lived in the house next door to the Saitos. Corri Geffen is in front.
Photo: David Alexander
1973. David Alexander and Saito Sensei workout with ken bukiwaza one freezing winter day in the dojo (notice that the windows are open). During this winter, there were few people training — just David and the local Iwama regulars.
Photo: David Alexander
1973. March, Iwama, with Saito Sensei in his garden. Takako & David Alexander have just moved to Iwama.
Photo: David Alexander
1972. Tokyo. The first party. This one in David’s 6-mat apartment in Nuke-benten near the Honbu Aikikai dojo where Saito Sensei had been teaching Sunday classes which always included buki-waza (jo and bokken training). Not long afterwards, David moved to Iwama for the next ten years.
Left to right: Lars Andersson (Sweden), Morihiro Saito Sensei, Takeji Tomita (Sweden), and David Alexander
Photo: David Alexander
1971. Bill Witt with Saito Sensei and others. Bill Witt was one of the very first “gaijin” (foreigner) to seek out Saito Sensei in the Saito Sensei and Bill Witt: The Early Years.