1950-Saito Sensei is 22 years old. He marries Sata in 1952 and soon starts a family. It’s post WWII in Japan. O-Sensei sets up his residence and dojo in Iwama. From 1948-1953, the Iwama dojo is the official Honbu headquarters. After 1953, the Wakamatsu dojo in Tokyo where his son lives becomes the official Honbu.

O-Sensei and Saito Sensei as a very young man, standing before the Aiki Jinja tori.
Photo: Aikido Journal
Marriage Photo

The Saito’s marriage photograph. January 1952
Photo: Aikido Journal

c. 1953. Left to right: Hatsu Ueshiba, Kisshomaru Ueshiba, Morihei Ueshiba, Koichi Tohei, Kisshomaru’s wife Sakuko, Morihiro Saito
Photo: Aikido Journal
Original Jinja

1953. Saito Sensei in front of the original Aiki Jinja.
Photo: Aikido Journal